A) European Strategy 2020- 2050
- Strategic Energy technology Plan ( SET-Plan): http://ec.europa.eu/energy/technology/set_plan/set_plan_en.htm
- The Information System for the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan: http://setis.ec.europa.eu/
- HORIZON2020, EUROPE Innovation: http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm
B) USA- strategy
- National Science foundation: http://www.nsf.gov/
- Department of Energy: http://energy.gov/; http://www.eere.energy.gov/
C) EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORMS (http://cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms/individual_en.html)
Energy | ICT | Bio-based economy | Production and processes | Transport |
SmartGrids | ENIAC | Food | ESTEP | ERRAC |
Photovoltaics | Net!Works | NanoMedicine | Manufuture | Waterborne |
ZEP | NEM | Plants | FTC | ESTP |
SNETP | NESSI | Forest-based | WSSTP | |
RHC | EUROP | SusChem | ||
EPoSS | EuMaT | |||
Photonics21 | IndustrialSafety |
D) Energy: European Technological platforms
- Platforma Europeana Hidrogen-Pile de combustie: http://www.fch-ju.eu/
- European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP): http://www.biofuelstp.eu/
- European Technology Platform for Wind Energy (TPWind): http://www.windplatform.eu/
- European Photovoltaic Technology Platform: http://www.eupvplatform.org/
- European Technology Platform for Electricity Networks of the Future:http://www.smartgrids.eu/
- ZEP- Zero Emission Platform- Carbon dioxide capture & sequestration: http://www.zeroemissionsplatform.eu/
- Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform: http://www.snetp.eu/
European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling: http://www.rhc-platform.org/
E) Bio-based economy- platforms
- Sustainable Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction Technology Platform (FABRE-TP): http://www.fabretp.info
- ETP Food for Life: http://etp.fooddrinkeurope.eu; key documents– http://cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms/food_en.html
- European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health: http://www.etpgah.eu/
- European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine: http://www.etp-nanomedicine.eu
- European Technology Platform ‘Plants for the Future’: http://www.plantetp.org/
- Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP): http://www.forestplatform.org
F) Fuel Cells-Books &links
- Jurgen Garche, ed, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources ( www.sciencedirect.com or on books.google.com): chapters
- Fuel Cell Handbook, http://www.fuelcells.org/fchandbook.pdf, published by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The book explains fuel cell basics, including the various technologies and applications.
- Fuel Cell Systems, http://www.wkap.nl/, This multidisciplinary text covers the main types of fuel cells, R & D issues, plant design and construction, and economic factors to provide industrial and academic researchers working in electrochemistry, and engineering.
- Fuel Cells and Their Applications, http://www.wileyeurope.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-3527285792.html/. The book provides an evaluation of the applications of fuel cells
- Handbook of Fuel Cells, http://www.wiley.com/legacy/wileychi/hfc/, This four volume set brings together in a single reference work the fundamentals, principles and the current state-of-the-art in fuel cells.
- New Materials for Batteries and Fuel Cells, http://www.mrs.org/, The book reflects the materials systems and issues of electrochemical materials R & D in batteries, fuel cells and capacitors.
C) Photovoltaics
- Arnulf Jager-Waldau, “Research Solar Cell Production and Market Implementation of Photovoltaics” in “PV Status Report 2006″, 2006 (*)